Onshore Geotechnical Studies (Coastal areas)

Studying the bed in the coastal areas of some projects such as construction of piers, ports and oil and gas transmission lines from land to sea which are constructed on sea coasts, is required. The coastal area has both dry land and sea conditions. The main feature of these areas is that at high tide they have water (Saturated or semi-saturated condition) and at low tide they are dry and wet, and are technically called "tidal areas". It is obvious that in these areas, since at some hours of the day or week they have water and in some places at sometimes they are dry, the use of marine vessels or even jack-ups, especially due to shallow water and drying at low tide, is not possible. On the other hand, and according to the above explanations, since in coastal areas (tidal areas) there is water at some times, transferring land drilling equipment is not possible either. Therefore, geotechnical studies of tidal areas must be performed with special equipment that does not cause any problems in the presence or absence of water. This consulting engineering company, by having Chain drilling device (Amphibious- Semisubmersible) that easily move in coastal (tidal) areas and their performance is not disrupted by the presence or absence of water at the site, undertakes to perform geotechnical studies. Examples of photos related to completed projects are presented below.

Baran Kakh va Pey Consulting Engineers Company, considering its executive background, technical capability, facilities and executive and laboratory equipment, is able to provide all onshore and offshore geotechnical study services. Baran Kakh va Pey Consulting Engineers Company has also signed a memorandum of understanding with its French partner company (Cathie Associates) in order to provide better services and to make the world's latest capabilities and knowledge available to the domestic industry through this collaboration. Relying on its technical and executive capabilities in the field of geotechnical studies and drilling services on land, Baran Kakh va Pay Consulting Engineers Company is able to provide services to clients in the following areas:

  • Land Drilling and Geotechnical Exploration Operations
  • Performing rotary drilling operations using various methods including continuous core-barrel, wash boring, and auger drilling
  • Performing special drillings including drilling for grounding wells (up to half a meter in diameter), drilling in various types of soil including marsh, very soft, hard and rock
  • Disturbed land sampling (volumetric and SPT) and undisturbed sampling (Shelby, Pitcher, U4, etc.) in soil and double-wall and triple-wall sampling in rocky grounds
  • Conducting in-situ tests including:
    • Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
    • Menard Pressuremeter Test
    • In-Situ Direct Shear Test
    • Plate Load Test
    • Lefranc & Lugeon Permeability Test
    • In-situ Vane Test
    • In-Situ California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
    • Sand Cone Test for in-situ density determination
    • Performing Piezo-cone Penetration Test (CPTu) using state-of-the-art equipment from AP van den Berg company
Figure 1: Various Type of Drilling equipment in BAK Group.
Figure 2: Onshore Geotechnical Investigation.
Figure 3: CPTu Test in Onshore Geotechnical Investigation.