Offshore Survey
Offshore geotechnical studies using Jack-Up rigs for nearshore drilling.
Offshore drilling using floating rig systems.
Offshore drilling using floating rigs equipped with heave compensated devices.
Sampling in shallow, intermediate, and deep waters using gravity corers (gravity corer or drop corer) and vibro-corers.
Performing offshore cone penetration tests (CPT) continuously and discontinuously.
Onboard laboratory testing services (for offshore) including all physical and strength testing such as hand shear vane, miniature vane shear, pocket penetrometer, UU triaxial, and uniaxial testing.
Conducting Geophysical Surveys for seabed mapping
Baran Khak va Pey Engineering Consultants uses a jack-up vessel capable of drilling up to 20 meters water depth for conducting offshore geotechnical studies. Also, for conducting offshore geotechnical studies, a flat barge equipped with a Heave Compensated Drilling Rig is used. This company is equipped with various types of offshore seabed samplers including gravity coring, drop coring and vibro-coring. Also, there is a capability to perform CPTu tests using an AP van den Berg system offshore